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School Site Council

Kennedy Middle School hosts monthly Principal's Coffees for all members of the school community.  The intent in providing these opportunities is to keep the community involved and aware of updates and new developments.  Principal DeWees provides information related to and data that supports our school goals, which are in direct alignment with our district's LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan). 

In regards to our School Site Council, we will be seeking new membership in the Fall '24 .  Please see messaging through Parent Square and more particularly in the weekly Principal's Updates.

Please check the Kennedy Calendar for specific dates for our monthly Principal's Coffees and School Site Council Meetings.

What is School Site Council (SSC)?

School Site Council is a group of school and community participants that collaborate on the SPSA Goals and how this relates to the District's LCAP Goals. This is also an opportunity for the team to review data as it relates to the school goals, monitor school budget, and develop next steps in support student learning and achievement.

When are the SSC Meetings?

SSC Meetings will be posted once dates are confirmed with Dr. DeWees. 

Where and How will meetings be hosted?

Meetings will be held in the conference room (located in the front office) when in-person. Virtual Meetings will be held on Google Meets. The group will work together to decide how meetings are facilitated.

Previous School Site Council Agendas/ Presentations can be found here.